2020 is here, and with a Spotted Valley Membership you can assure that your show season will be one of the best. With your membership you and your horses will be eligible for both class and division high-points at both our shows, and year end banquets.
Our shows are ApHC & All-breed approved, giving a multitude of opportunities for the entire barn.
SPOTTED VALLEY IS LOOKING TO THE FUTURE! We as a long standing club based in southern California, and a regional club of the Appaloosa Horse club understand and realize the impact that our youth have on our industry both at a local, and world wide level. Anyone that has owned horses understands the reach of impact they have on us, from the barn to our day to day lives that help us grow into the adults we are today. To help maintain and grow the reach our industry has on our children, Spotted Valley continues to offer ALL YOUTH CLASSES FOR FREE. Our goal is to help bring children into the show pen, to build life long relationships with one another, and allow us to pass on the reins to the next generation of youthful members - NO MATTER THEIR BREED OF CHOICE . ............................................... -ALL CLASS FEES WAIVED FOR YOUTH CLASSES AT OUR 1-DAY SHOWS- - WIN DAILY & YEAR END HIGH POINTS - CLINICS - YOUTH EVENTS - YOUTH JACKETS & SHIRTS - FUND RAISERS & MORE!